Press Release

Stacia Anson or Barbara Rudolph
Miller/Shandwick Technologies
(617) 536-0470
Richard Phelps
Relativity Technologies, Inc.
(919) 484-9390

Relativity Technologies Speeds Conversion Of Legacy Systems to Internet and Client/Server Platforms with Complete End-to-End Transformation Solution

Now Shipping, Windows-based RescueWare is the First Solution To Inventory, Analyze and Convert Legacy Applications to Object-based Components; Provides Rapid Year 2000 Remediation

Announces Development Partnerships with Ernst & Young on Year 2000 Solutions

SAN DIEGO, CAL., Jan. 28, 1998 - Relativity Technologies, Inc. today announced RescueWare®, the industry's first software solution to fully integrate the process for transforming legacy systems to modern Internet/intranet and client/server platforms - such as Java, C++ and Visual Basic. Relativity Technologies also announced a development partnership with Ernst & Young LLP, a leading information technology consulting firm, to build a Year 2000 solution for client/server systems based on RescueWare.

"Companies with a heavy reliance on mainframe-based systems are under siege to implement Internet/intranet applications, such as e-commerce, that can respond quickly to the rapid changes of business," said Vivek Wadhwa, chief executive officer, Relativity Technologies, Inc.

"Yet, the challenge to transform massive mainframe-based applications to such flexible and cost-effective platforms as the Internet or Windows NT is enormous. Our team of 50 computer scientists and mathematicians have worked for more than 200 person-years to develop a robust and powerful solution, based on a proven methodology, for transforming legacy code, such as COBOL, into object-based components."

Prior to the introduction of RescueWare, the current programming challenges highlighted by Year 2000 and European Monetary Unit (EMU) remediation were typically addressed through one of three approaches: manually remediating portions of existing systems (e.g., date fields), completely rewriting these systems, or replacing them with packaged solutions.

Relativity Technologies is the first company to deliver a comprehensive, automated solution that can effectively reduce the time and cost of both preserving these legacy applications and making them reusable to address the changing needs of organizations today and in the future. As a graphical, repository-based, Windows application, RescueWare offers an intuitive and fully integrated workflow to inventory, analyze and transform legacy applications by using revolutionary forward generation technology to convert COBOL into modern languages, such as Java, C++, and Visual Basic.

"Aberdeen views RescueWare as a definite potential contributor to any organization's Year 2000 or EMU efforts, with a significant payback in getting the efforts finished on time and in expanding and extending the value of existing legacy systems," said Karen Moser, director, Aberdeen Group in Boston.

"RescueWare is the most advanced technology of its kind," said Tom DePasquale, senior vice president, Data Warehousing/Year 2000, at PLATINUM technology Inc., an Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. company which is a recognized leader in data warehousing and Year 2000 solutions. "We are tracking this technology sector closely and believe that the transformation of legacy COBOL systems to Internet and client/server platforms represents an enormous post-Year 2000 market."

"Of the approximately 100 legacy applications at the Department of Transportation, only 15 will be remediated for the Year 2000. All others will either be replaced or retired in the next two years," said Jason Mac Entee, New Technology Officer, North Carolina Department of Transportation. "We spent six months looking for a rapid transformation tool to complement our rapid application development tools, like Visual Basic. RescueWare was the only solution we found that met our criteria. It steps us through the transformation process without being a 'black box' or without having to manually reverse-engineer our legacy applications."

RescueWare Debuts at Internet Showcase
RescueWare was introduced at Upside Presents David Coursey's Internet Showcase, a conference providing a hands-on look at a select group of the hottest products and technologies for Internet and intranet users with potential to have a profound impact on the industry.

Upside Presents David Coursey's Internet Showcase is a by-invitation-only executive conference where the technology elite meets to get a hands-on look at a select group of the hottest products and technologies for Internet and intranet users. Each product is hand selected by David Coursey, the newsletter editor Marketing Computers magazine has ranked as the industry's "most influential" in 1996 and 1997.

Approximately 750 computer industry insiders, company executives, investors, media, and analysts are expected to pack the audience during Internet Showcase, which is a production of Upside Magazine's Upside Events.

"More than 300 products or technologies went through our selection process and about that many more were considered but didn't make it all the way through the process," explained executive producer Coursey. "Relativity Technologies' RescueWare is one of fewer than 90 products -- less than one in three -- of the serious contenders who made the final cut."

Products are selected based on their potential to have a profound impact on the industry, Coursey added. "The products on display during the conference are simply the best of the best I've seen, and I'm very proud of them. There are, quite simply, no bad products here."

Legacy System Transformation
A massive migration is underway as corporations begin to preserve the enormous wealth of information contained in strategic, business-critical legacy applications, and move them to today's flexible and cost-effective Internet/intranet and client/server platforms. Application maintenance challenges such as Year 2000 and European Monetary Unit (EMU) remediation have caused organizations to closely examine their capability to efficiently maintain and enhance these existing systems, resulting in increased demand for full modernization. Legacy transformation is defined as the transition of existing system screens, business logic and data to modern computing paradigms (e.g., event-driven, object-based) and platforms (e.g., Windows). RescueWare automates the transformation of legacy systems to modern computing environments.

According to International Data Corporation, there are approximately 10,000 IBM mainframe sites worldwide with over 200 billion lines of legacy code in use today. Of vital importance to these organizations is the ability to prevent the loss of the underlying business rules and organizational knowledge that is the basis for these applications. Transforming legacy systems manually is economically prohibitive and stands the risk of losing much of the value contained within these systems.

"Research has shown that the ability to reuse existing code, especially when tied with an automated transformation tool, can cut development efforts by at least one-third. This means that IS may be able to salvage 25 percent to 75 percent of existing legacy applications," said Aberdeen Group's Moser.

RescueWare: State-of-the-Art Support for Legacy System Transformation
RescueWare is the first solution available that provides an automated and integrated support for all stages of legacy application transformation. By providing a fully integrated and visual approach, RescueWare automates the process of inventorying and analyzing legacy systems for business rule extraction, screen event mining, data modeling and code partitioning. Once completed, RescueWare transforms these systems into object-based components, generating modern user interfaces, program code and database definitions.

As a result, Relativity is uniquely positioned to provide corporations with a highly efficient and effective means to convert legacy code while also addressing such immediate issues as Year 2000 compliance and European currency conversion. RescueWare's unique ability to provide powerful component mining for legacy application transformation is the result of four technology differentiators:

  • The most advanced legacy code parsing technology available today. This enables system-wide analysis of all application layers (i.e. presentation, logic and data). With this capability, customers are ensured that business logic spanning multiple programs is identified and combined into a single object.

  • The automatic generation of modern event-driven object-based languages such as Java, C++, and Visual Basic.

  • A graphical "workbench" that draws upon a proven methodology, advancing users through a step-by-step process for legacy component mining and system transformation. The workbench offers multiple windows of existing legacy and newly transformed views of the application components. This intuitively designed user interface enables development teams to quickly learn the tool and move very rapidly through the transformation process.

  • The use of any open repository, such as Microsoft Repository or SQL Server, to track and store the many changes taking place during the transformation process. As a result, customers can address critical challenges such as Year 2000 remediation immediately while positioning the organization to meet its longer-term goal of transformation to modern platforms.

Platforms Supported
RescueWare automates the mining of legacy system components from:

User Interface
- Screen Maps
- Screen and process flow logic in CICS and COBOL programs

Business Logic
- COBOL programs (on-line and batch)

- Program data definitions (parameters and working storage)
- VSAM and flat file definitions
- ANSI standard DDL, such as DB/2 relational database DDL

With the resulting extractions, RescueWare then generates:

- Native graphical interfaces for Java, HTML, Visual Basic, and C++
- Business logic in Java, C++ and Visual Basic
- Database Definitions for popular databases - Oracle, Sybase, Informix, MS
SQL Server, and DB/2, as well as ODBC, JDBC, and static SQL CRUDs;
- Support for industry standard architectures such as Microsoft's
ActiveX/DCOM and CORBA

Availability and Pricing
RescueWare is now available worldwide from Relativity. Pricing is $15,000 per workstation plus a charge per line-of-code converted.

About Relativity Technologies, Inc.
Relativity Technologies, Inc., based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, is the first company to deliver a complete end-to-end solution for transforming existing legacy systems to modern Internet/intranet and client/server platforms. Founded in February 1997, Relativity's mission is to be the leading supplier of legacy transformation software tools and solutions that safely, easily and rapidly transform critical legacy applications to modern computing environments. More information on Relativity Technologies and RescueWare is available at

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NOTE : RescueWare is a registered trademark of Relativity Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders.


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