Karnes Design Horizontal Tickertape
The Horizontal Tickertape is a Java applet that scrolls a message of any length (and which may have multiple parts), and optionally links the message to a URL. You have complete control over the applet's size, message text, font, font style, font size, foreground color, background color, speed, and you can specify a destination URL to go to when the user clicks on the tape. In addition, users can control the speed interactively by Shift-clicking to speed up the text or Control-clicking to slow it down. You'll find the specific parameters and the HTML syntax for invoking the tickertape below.
<applet code="TickerTape.class" width=500 height=24>
<param name=Message value="This is where the message text goes. . .">
<param name=FontName value="Helvetica">
<param name=FontStyle value="bold">
<param name=FontSize value="12">
<param name=ForegroundColor value="0,0,0">
<param name=BackgroundColor value="255,204,0">
<param name=Speed value="4">
<param name=Href value="">
Here's an explanation of each parameter:
Message. This is the text you want to display in the tickertape window. I can be any length, and it automatically repeats.
FontName. This is the name of the font you want to use. Basic choices are TimesRoman and Helvetica.
FontStyle. This parameter indicates whether you want the text bold, italics, or normal.
FontSize. Use this parameter to determine the size of the text in the window.
ForegroundColor. This is the color of the text, specified as three RGB decimal values.
BackgroundColor. This is the background color of the window, specified as three RGB decimal values.
Speed. This determines how fast the tickertape runs.
Href. This parameter is optional. It determines the destination URL to go to when the tickertape window is clicked.
All of the tickertape's parameters can be completely controlled from the HTML file that invokes it.